100% organic
Improves condition of hair and scalp.
Helps enhance firmness and elasticity of skin, eliminates age and mimic wrinkles, and stimulates collagen production.
Prevents skin inflammation, has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action.
Repairs skin damaged as a result of sun or chemical burns.
Help nourish and soften skin, reliably protecting it from moisture loss.
Eliminates pigmentation on face and body skin.
Oblepikha Siberica unique sea-buckthorn oil is suitable for taking care of body, face and hair.
The oil is produced by cold press from selected sea-buckthorn berries harvested in Kluchevsk region of Altai krai.
The oil contains fatty acids omega 3, 6, 9 in high concentration and the rare omega 7 fatty acid, which can usually be found in plants.
Concentration of vitamin C in sea-buckthorn oil is 15 times higher than in oranges.
It has softening, protective, moisturizing, antioxidant, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties.
SIZE: 50ml